Search Results
James Coplien: The Architectural Voids of Change, The End User and Deep Knowledge
DCI Tokyo 1 - Lean Architecture by James Coplien (Part 1 of 2)
A taste of trygve - James Coplien
Agile People Interview with James Coplien
Interview with James O.Coplien - PalDev
Entwicklertag 2016: How Agile and OO have lost their way together - James Coplien
Gunther Verheyen and James Coplien share "The Coplien Things Every Scrum Practitioner Should Know"
Event: James Coplien | The Philosophy of Scrum
DCI Tokyo 2- Commonality / Variability Analysis: Practical MPD by James Coplien (Part 1 of 4)
DCI Tokyo 2- Commonality / Variability Analysis: Practical MPD by James Coplien (extra)
Keynote - Jim Coplien - MODELS2016